
Post Acquisition

Our objective is to accelerate growth & building value for our investors early on via implementing our VCAM (Value Creation Accelerated Model).

We identify our Value Creation levers and opportunities during DD phase then we initiate execution very early in a portfolio life.

People are one of the main pillars in our investments, this is why we partner closely and cooperatively with winning management teams that have a track record of success; we align our objectives and we surround management with qualified support resources.

We drive functional capabilities that would drive growth and transform the business, both within the management team as well as through our bench of industry experts and board advisors. Governance and ESG are fundamental to our work and are set from acquisition date throughout the life of the portfolio.

The teams build on the combination of industry knowledge, investment experiences and the long and deep wealth of operational experience to drive faster growth.

Our strategies build on realizing synergies, simplifying processes, driving growth via geographic and business sectors expansion as well as accelerating organic growth, mergers & acquisitions and modest financial leverage.

Agility and flexibility are built into our execution plans and organizations in order to accommodate the ever changing market conditions.